Featured Matings

S A V Blackcap May 4136
Matings for daughters:
S A V Blackcap May 1384 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive---Heifer Embryos--- IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3430 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive---Heifer Embryos--- IVF

S A V Blackcap May 4136
S A V Blackcap May 6647 x Baldridge Colonel C251, MGR Treasure, DB Iconic G95--IVF, Musgrave 316 Exclusive Heifer Embryos--IVF and Poss Deadwood--IVF, Connealy Craftsman--IVF, GB Fireball 672--IVF
S A V Blackcap May 5445 x BUBS Southern Charm AA31, Hoover Know How, G A R Home Town, Musgrave 316 Exclusive---Heifer Embryos---IVF, Connealy Clarity--IVF and Mill Brae Identified 4031--IVF

S A V Blackcap May 1443
Matings for daughter:
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive--Heifer Embryos--IVF, DB Iconic G95--IVF, Connealy Clarity--IVF, Poss Deadwood-IVF, Confidence Plus-IVF, and Ashland-IVF


NE = Not exportable.
*  Indicates exportable to Canada and a few other countries, not UK.
**can be exported internationally.

Dam x Sire
Car Don Blackbird 111 x BJ Surpass
Car Don Blackbird 111 x Connealy Craftsman
Car Don Blackbird 111 x E&B Wildcat 9402
Car Don Blackbird 111 x GB Fireball 672
Car Don Blackbird 111 x HCC Whitewater 9010-IVF
Car Don Blackbird 111 x J Trademark 1037
Champion Hill Blackbird 8624 x Baldridge Colonel C251
Champion Hill Blackbird 8624 x Quaker Hill Rampage
Champion Hill Blackbird 8624 x S A V Sensation 5615
Champion Hill Emblynette 6052 x A A R Ten X 7008 S A
Champion Hill Georgina 8016 x Jindra Acclaim
Champion Hill Georgina 8016 x S A V Ten Speed 3022
Champion Hill Georgina 8016 x Silveiras Style 9303
Champion Hill May 6956 x EXAR Upshot 0562B
Colburn Saras Dream 7548 x Conley Express 7211 IVF-Heifer Embryos
Colburn Saras Dream 7548 x Silveiras Style 9303 Heifer Embryos
Colburn Saras Dream 7548 x SCC SCH 24 Karat 838 Heifer Embryos-IVF
Colburn Saras Dream 7548 x STAG Good Times 210-Heifer Embryos-IVF
Coleman Donna 1106 x Baldridge Colonel C251---IVF
Coleman Donna 1403--Heifer Embryos--IVF x Coleman Glacier 041
Coleman Donna 2141--Heifer Embryos--IVF x Coleman Glacier 041
Coleman Donna 2141 x Connealy Craftsman-Heifer Embryos
Coleman Donna 4275 x S A V 8180 Traveler 004 - EU qualified
Coleman Donna 8285 x E&B Wildcat 9402
Dameron F R Sandy 5619 x 5T Power Chip 4790 Heifer Embryos
Dameron F R Sandy 5619 x Conley Express 7211 Heifer Embryos
Dameron F R Sandy 5619 x Gambles Hot Rod
Dameron F R Sandy 5619 x SCC SCH 24 Karat 838 Hiefer Embryos-IVF 
Dameron F R Sandy 5619 x Silveiras Style 9303---Heifer Embryos---IVF
Dameron F R Sandy 5619 x STAG Good Times 201---Heifer Embryos--IVF
Dameron Northern Miss 667 x Conley Express 7211 Heifer Embryos
Dameron Northern Miss 667 x Silveiras Style 9303 Heifer Embryos---IVF
Dameron Princess 893 x Silveiras Style 9303 Heifer Embryos--IVF
Dameron Princess 893 x Conley Express 7211 Heifer Embryos--IVF
EXAR Saras Dream 71203 x Colburn Primo 5153
EXAR Saras Dream 71203 x C&C McKinley 3000 EXAR
EXAR Saras Dream 71203 x Conley Express 7211 Heifer Embryos
EXAR Saras Dream 71203 x Gambles Hot Rod
EXAR Saras Dream 71203 x Silveiras Style 9303--IVF Heifer Embryos
G A R Combustion 2060 x Basin Jameson 1176
G A R Combustion 2060 x Connealy Craftsman
G A R Combustion 2060 x HPCA Veracious
G A R Dual Threat x Connealy Craftman
G A R Dual Threat 30 x Basin Jameson 1176
G A R Dual Threat 30---IVF x E&B Wildcat 9402
G A R Dual Threat 30 x G B Fireball 672
G A R Dual Threat 30 x HPCA Veracious
G A R Sunrise 2797 x BJ Surpass-IVF
G A R Sunrise 2797 x HCC Whitewater 9010-IVF
G A R Sunrise 2797 x Poss Deadwood-IVF
Linz Lady Acclaim 2145-7308 x E&B Plus One
Linz Lady Acclaim 2145-7308 x S A V President 6847
Linz Lady Acclaim 2145-7308 x Jet Black
Linz Lady Acclaim 2145-7308 x HC Whitewater 9010--IVF
Linz Lady Acclaim 4522-8911 x E&B Plus One
Linz Lady 6176-9128 x SydGen Enhance
Linz Lady Whitlock 453-9210 x Basin Jameson 1176
Linz Lady Whitlock 453-9210 x Connealy Craftsman--IVF
Linz Lady Whitlock 453-9210 x HCC Whitewater 9010-IVF
Linz Lady Whitlock 453-9210 x GB Fireball 672--IVF
Linz Lady Whitlock 453-9210 x Symmetry 228---IVF
McKellar Jais 6216 x Musgrave 316 Stunner
Musgrave Blackcap Erica 16 x Basin Payweight 1682 - EU qualified
Musgrave Blackcap Erica 16 x BJ Surpass
Musgrave Blackcap Erica 16 x E&B Plus One
Musgrave Blackcap Erica 16 x GB Fireball 672--IVF
Musgrave Blackcap Erica 16 x HCC Whitewater 9010-IVF
Musgrave Blackcap Erica 16 x GB Fireball 672--IVF
Mytty Countess JVC 9135 x A A R Ten X 7008 S A
N Bar Enchantress 1119 x S A V Harvestor 0338*
Quaker Hill Blackcap 1695 x Basin Payweight 1682 IVF
Quaker Hill Blackcap 1695 x Connealy Clarity-IVF
Quaker Hill Blackcap 1695 x Mill Brae Identified 4031---IVF
R B Lady Rito 750-003 x S A V Ten Speed 3022
R B Lady Rito 750-003 x BUBS Southern Charm AA31
R B Lady Rito 750-003 x DB Iconic G95
Rollin Rock Madame Pride 707 x A A R Ten X 7008 S A--IVF
Rollin Rock Madame Pride 707 x Connealy Black Granite---IVF
Rust Ms Chloe 2305K x Coleman Platinum 2622
Rust Ms Chloe 2305K x Connealy Craftsman--IVF
Rust Ms Chloe 2305K x S A V Renovation 6822
Sandpoint Proud Formera 7760 x A A R Ten X 7008 S A
Sandpoint Proud Formera 7760 x Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36
S A V Blackcap May 1384 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive---Heifer Embryos---IVF
S A V Blackcap May 2628 x Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36--IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive---Heifer Embryos---IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x Connealy Clarity--IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x Confidence Plus-IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x Poss Deadwood-IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x G A R Ashland---IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x DB Iconic G95---IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3430 x BUBS Southern Charm AA31 IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3430 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive---Heifer Embryos---IVF
S A V Blackcap May 4568 x BUBS Southern Charm AA31 IVF
S A V Blackcap May 5445 x BUBS Southern Charm AA31
S A V Blackcap May 5445 x Hoover Know How
S A V Blackcap May 5445 x Connealy Clarity---IVF
S A V Blackcap May 5445 x Mill Brae Identified 4031--IVF
S A V Blackcap May 5445 x G A R Home Town
S A V Blackcap May 5445 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive---Heifer Embryos---IVF
Conley Evergreen 8762 x Basin Payweight 1682 IVF
Conley Evergreen 8762 x BJ Surpass-IVF
Conley Evergreen 8762 x HCC Whitewater 9010
Conley Evergreen 8762 x SydGen Enhance
Conley Evergreen 8762 x E&B Plus One
Conley Evergreen 8762 x Poss Deadwood-IVF
Dameron Elsa 7118 x Conley Express 7211---Heifer Embryos---IVF
Dameron Elsa 7118 x Silveiras Style 9303--Heifer Embryos--IVF
Dameron Northern Miss 7106 x Conley Express 7211 heifer embryos
Dameron Northern Miss 7106 x Silveiras Style 9303--Heifer Embryos- IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3092 x MGR Treasure--Heifer Embryos--IVF
S A V Blackcap May 3430 x MGR Treasure--Heifer Embryos---IVF
S A V Blackcap May 6647 x GB Fireball 672--IVF
S A V Blackcap May 6647 x Musgrave 316 Exclusive--Heifer Embryos--IVF
S A V Blackcap May 6647 x DB Iconic G95-IVF
S A V Blackcap May 6647 x Poss Deadwood-IVF
S A V Blackcap May 6647 x Connealy Craftsman--IVF
Shermans Rita 284 x S A V Pioneer 7301NE
Shermans Rita 284 x S A V Mandan 5664NE
Shermans Rita 284 x S A V Iron Mountain 8066NE
Siebring Abigale 527 x EXAR Monumental 6056B
VT EXT W89 x Quaker Hill Objective 3J15NE
Whitestone Rita R257 x EmblazonNE
Blue Lake Donna 3492 x E&B Plus One
TC Marcia 0044 x E&B Plus One
TC Marcia 0044 x G A R Ashland