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Sale Date


February 11th


Potential Show Cattle Donors

Colburn Saras Dream 7548

Dameron FR Sandy 5619

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Available Matings

Star Matings

Coleman Donna 1403
Connealy Craftsman
and Tehama Patriarch F028

Coleman Donna 2141
Connealy Craftsman

Linz Lady Whitlock 453-9210
Connealy Craftsman,
GB Fireball 672,
Symmetry 228,
HCC Whitewater 9010
and Basin Jameson 1176

More Matings

Welcome to Newman Angus, located in central Indiana just north of Indianapolis. Newman Angus specializes in producing and providing quality embryos from our proven donor arsenal for the Angus community. We sell the very best embryo matings we produce, they are not pre-sorted or leftovers. We have sold embryos into 41 states and 9 foreign countries in the last 60 months. We now can make embryos to order for international export including European Union beginning in January, 2012. You can choose which donor from our elite donor arsenal and the sire for the mating.

Newman Angus has made a diligent effort over the years to acquire the best donors possible. Our goal is to provide future progeny from our elite donors mated with the very top sires in the breed to produce highly sought after premium offspring. Please feel free to browse through Newman Angus's embryos by sires: Connealy Craftsman, Basin Jameson, HPCA Veracious, HCC Whitewater 9010, D B Iconic G95, J Trademark 1037, Sitz Resilient 10208, SCC SCH 24 Karat 838, STAG Good Times 201, Silveiras Style 9303 and BNWZ Dignity. We are proud of our donors as they have produced outstanding progeny. Our donors include: Colburn Saras Dream 7548, Dameron F R Sandy 5619, Dameron Elsa 7118, Dameron Northern Miss 667. Dameron Northern Miss 7106, Dameron Princess 893, G A R Dual Threat 30, G A R Combustion 2060, G A R Sunrise 2797, Car Don Blackbird 111, Coleman Donna 1403, Coleman Donna 2141, Coleman Donna 8285, Linz Lady Whitlock 453-9210, Conley Evergreen 8762, S A V Blackcap May 5445, S A V Blackcap May 6647, S A V Blackcap May 3092, McKellar Jais 6216, TC Marcia 0044, Quaker Hill Blackcap 1695, Musgrave Blackcap Erica 16 and Rust Ms Chloe 2305K.

With advancements in technology, our product can be utilized throughout the United States and beyond. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or if you would like to purchase your next embryos from Newman Angus.